Product Description
Valorant DMA Requirements: DMA Setup Kmbox or arduino for aimbot Fuser for ESP Visuals ESP: - Box - Distance - Health - Bones - Name - Weapon - FOV Circle - Head Circle - Team - Ability ESP Aimbot: - FOV - Aim key - Smooth - Aim Bone - Recoil Compensation - Perfect Raycast Vis Check - Smoke Check - Delay - Recoil Delay - Kill Delay - Individual weapon settings Flickbot: - Flick key - Smooth - Magnet - FOV - Aim Bone - Aim Curve - Delay between Shots Triggerbot: - Trigger key - Trigger delay Web Radar: - Team - Abilities - Radar Size Customization - Player Icon and Text Size Customization Misc: - Recoil Crosshair - Show a Table of Players Information (Real Name Tag, Rank, Level) - Bezier Curvature Control - Gaussian Curvature Control - Pause Key - Save Settings - Load Settings Special Features: - Line Up Projectile Prediction (Stand anywhere and will tell you where to aim to hit projectile at spike) - Individual Bone Vis Check - Supports Moonlight Price: Week - $20 Month - $45